Our vision for 2030

The Research4Life partners have adopted and are collectively implementing a new Research4Life Strategic Plan which defines “Our vision for 2030 and beyond”. We aim to contribute to the UN Decade of Action for accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals by increasing research participation from the Global South.

By 2030, we aim to have significantly increased the participation of researchers as both consumers and producers of critical research, providing the necessary capacity building through local networks and partnerships.

Beyond Donation: Transitioning from content donation to fostering reciprocal engagement, nurturing a rich and diverse scholarly exchange.

Global Participation: Aiming to significantly elevate voices and the presence of researchers from lower-income countries to the fore of global research dialogue.

Local Empowerment: Dedicated to strengthening local research networks and enhancing their role in promoting sustainable development.

The Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan was adopted and published in 2022 following numerous consultations with partners, users and experts as well as in-depth evaluations of the partnership and its scholarly landscape.

The procedure

We normally work on a five-year planning cycle. Towards the end of each cycle, we carry out in-depth evaluations of the partnership to inform and guide the Strategic Plan. These evaluations comprise an internal infrastructure review and an external user review. The most recent reviews were carried out between late 2019 and early 2021. Below, you can find the outputs from these reviews as well as a specially commissioned landscape analysis, which thoroughly assesses the external context within which Research4Life operates.

Landscape analysis

This report was produced by Research Consulting and submitted to the General Partners’ Meeting in July 2020.

The landscape analysis aims to inform future decision-making within Research4Life, assessing the shifting dynamics and external influences relevant to equitable access to research.

This webinar discusses the key findings, and you can also download the presentation.

Infrastructure review

This report was produced by Research Consulting and formally adopted by the General Partners’ Meeting in July 2020.

User review

This report was produced by INASP and formally adopted by the General Partners’ Meeting in June 2021. Read the press release.
