
Elsevier Adds ClinicalKey to Research4Life Access Program for Developing Countries
Physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals in under-resourced communities around the world to receive access to the latest clinical information Philadelphia, PA, May 25, 2017 – Elsevier, the information analytics company specializing in science and health, will add ClinicalKey to
Call for Applications ! Online Course on Access to Scientific Information Resources in Agriculture (ASIRA) for Low-Income Countries
Please find below a Call for Applications to attend the Online Course on  Access to Scientific Information Resources in Agriculture (ASIRA) for Low-Income Countries. We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 3rd edition of the online ASIRA course
Join the Webinar! Literature Research on Nutrition – Browsing AGORA
We are pleased to announce three upcoming webinars in English, French and Spanish about how AGORA can be browsed to facilitate information searching in the area of nutrition research. AGORA’s main purpose is to improve the quality and effectiveness of agricultural research, education
ECS Partners with Research4Life to Help Close the Knowledge Gap in the Developing World
All ECS content will be accessible to over 8,200 institutions ECS is partnering with Research4Life to provide accessibility to over 132,000 articles and abstracts published in the ECS Digital Library. All papers published by ECS will be free to access
ASIRA Online Course Webinars: Recordings and slides are available online
A.S.I.R.A.  (Access to Scientific Information Resources in Agriculture)  online course for low-income countries – started on 13 February, 2017 – is in its last week. The course was enriched by a number of webinars designed to strengthen the course content, give course participants
Webinar: Introduction to Using TEEAL to Access Agricultural Journals
A.S.I.R.A.  (Access to Scientific Information Resources in Agriculture) Online Course for Low-Income Countries started on 13 February, 2017. Throughout the course, several webinar sessions will be held based on  the subjects taught in the units. These webinars are open to anyone who is interested in the
Join the third A.S.I.R.A.'s free Webinar !
A.S.I.R.A. (Access to Scientific Information Resources in Agriculture) Online Course for Low-Income Countries started on 13 February, 2017. Throughout the course, several webinar sessions will be held based on  the subjects taught in the units. These webinars are open to anyone who is interested in the
Join the third A.S.I.R.A.’s free Webinar !
A.S.I.R.A. (Access to Scientific Information Resources in Agriculture) Online Course for Low-Income Countries started on 13 February, 2017. Throughout the course, several webinar sessions will be held based on  the subjects taught in the units. These webinars are open to anyone who is interested in the
Join us for ASIRA's online course First Webinar!
A.S.I.R.A. (Access to Scientific Information Resources in Agriculture) Online Course for Low-Income Countries starts on 13 February (Monday), 2017. Throughout the course, several webinar sessions will be held based on  the subjects taught in the units. These webinars are specially designed for
Join us for ASIRA’s online course First Webinar!
A.S.I.R.A. (Access to Scientific Information Resources in Agriculture) Online Course for Low-Income Countries starts on 13 February (Monday), 2017. Throughout the course, several webinar sessions will be held based on  the subjects taught in the units. These webinars are specially designed for
Online Course on Access to Agricultural Data is Now Open for Registration!
width="654" height="370" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"> ASIRA online course for low-income countries is delivered by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with Research4Life. The course registration is open from  11th  to 27th January,  2017. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ The
Zimbabwe workshop on Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO of the UN) in conjunction with several partners has organized a series of training workshops in 2016 across Asia and Africa focused on access to research in agriculture and fisheries. Earlier,