
Over 12,000 Wiley Online Books Made Available in Developing Countries Via Research4Life
Media Contact: Ben Norman (UK) +44 (0) 1243 770 375 Amy Molnar (US) +1 201-748-8844 [email protected]   Over 12,000 Wiley Online Books Made Available in Developing Countries Via Research4Life Hoboken, NJ, February 6, 2013, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., today
Elsevier Connect: Measuring the impact of research access in the developing world
How Research4Life is being used to improve health care and economic development by Richard Gedye. Published 7 January 2013 We all know that in many parts of the developing world, there are shortages of food, clean water, adequate housing, health
Interview with Gracian Chimwaza, Executive Director ITOCA, South Africa and Research4Life Training Coordinator
Gracian Chimwaza, is the founding director for ITOCA-Information Training & Outreach Centre for Africa He holds a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degree from Thames Valley University, UK (2001), an electrical engineering diploma and a graduate diploma from Institute of -Rwanda: Scholars Train in Scientific Research
By Jean d’Amour Mbonyinshuti, 5 December 2012 in Over thirty research trainers from higher institutions of learning and research institutions are undergoing a three day training on effective methodologies to access research material. The training being conducted by Kigali
Lenny Rhine – A leading example in Training the Trainers
Since June 2006, Lenny has been holding training workshops all over the world for the Research4Life programmes with financial support from various organizations, including WHO, ITOCA and in collaboration with the Librarians Without Borders®/Medical Library Association (LWB/MLA). Lenny has held
Lenny Rhine – A leading example in Training the Trainers
Since June 2006, Lenny has been holding training workshops all over the world for the Research4Life programmes with financial support from various organizations, including WHO, ITOCA and in collaboration with the Librarians Without Borders®/Medical Library Association (LWB/MLA). Lenny has held
18,000 resources available to the developing world via the HINARI, AGORA, OARE, and ARDI programmes For Release: 14th  November 2012 For Information, contact: Charlotte Masiello-Riome, Research4Life Communications Coordinator, [email protected] London, United Kingdom – London, November 14th, 2012 – The Research4Life
Expanding developing-world access – feature in Research Information
Research4Life, the programme to provide developing-world access to scholarly resources, recently celebrated its tenth birthday. Case studies reveal some of its achievements Building a viable research culture in developing countries takes more than just access; it calls for training in
GBC Health
Technology Partner Microsoft commended for contribution to Research4Life at GBCHealth Business Action on Health Awards
GBC HEALTH BUSINESS ACTION ON HEALTH AWARDS Commended Company 2012: Microsoft Award Category: Partnerships/Collective Action PROGRAM NAME: RESEARCH4LIFE – A LIBRARY-IN-A-BOX ABOUT THE COMMENDED PROGRAM Research4Life is a collaborative initiative involving public and private entities including the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the
Stories From the Field: How Access to Scientific Literature is Improving the Livelihoods of Communities Around the World
Click here to download the Research4Life Making a Difference Booklet (Low Resolution) To celebrate Research4Life’s 10th anniversary in 2011, we launched a user experience competition. We asked users to share with us how HINARI, AGORA or OARE has improved their
WIPO's ARDI Programme Joins Research4Life
For Release: 13 October 2011 For Information, contact: Andrew Czajkowski, Innovation and Technology Support Section World Intellectual Property Organization (contact: [email protected]) Geneva, Switzerland – The Research4Life partnership, which enables free or low cost online access in the developing world to
WIPO’s ARDI Programme Joins Research4Life
For Release: 13 October 2011 For Information, contact: Andrew Czajkowski, Innovation and Technology Support Section World Intellectual Property Organization (contact: [email protected]) Geneva, Switzerland – The Research4Life partnership, which enables free or low cost online access in the developing world to