Press Releases

Research4Life greatly expands peer reviewed research available to developing world
Over 7,000 Elsevier books now accessible through HINARI, AGORA, OARE, and ARDI For Release: 16 May 2012 For Information, contact: Charlotte Masiello-Riome, Research4Life Communications Coordinator, [email protected] London, United Kingdom – London, May 16, 2012 – Research4Life partners announced today that
Research Output in Developing Countries Reveals 194% Increase in Five Years (PDF)
Research4Life Demonstrates Profound Impact on Scholarly Landscape London, 2 July 2009 – The partners of Research4Life announced today at the World Conference of Science Journalists 2009 that a new research impact analysis has demonstrated a dramatic rise in research output
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Access to environmental research in developing nations grown to 1500 institutions in less than three years
Amsterdam, 14 May 2009 – Research4Life today announces that the Online Access to Research in the Environment (OARE) program has registered 1500 institutions since its launch in 2006, an increase of nearly 700 percent. This means that scientists, researchers and environmental policy-makers in