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Últimas noticias

Una nueva organización sin fines de lucro impulsa la misión de Research4Life de crear capacidad de investigación en LMICs

Friends of Research4Life, una nueva organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3) con sede en los Estados Unidos, se lanzó para respaldar la misión fundamental de Research4Life de permitir la plena participación en el entorno de información global. Las organizaciones y los individuos ahora pueden hacer contribuciones que beneficien directamente a los programas de Research4Life.

Apply now for free access to the Researcher to Reader online conference
We will allocate ten passes for the annual Researcher to Reader conference to researchers or librarians from any of the countries that qualify for access to Research4Life.
Webinar: Discover Elsevier’s Researcher Academy
Join our next webinar on 29 January to learn all about Researcher Academy, a free platform that helps researchers participate in the global scientific landscape.
Discover scientific literature through Global Academic Focus, now accessible via Research4Life
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Are you looking for resources from China or in Chinese? Then it’s worth trying out Global Academic Focus (GAF): an abstract database that is freely available and can be accessed through Research4Life.
Únase a nuestro próximo seminario web con Cambridge University Press
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Nos complace anunciar un nuevo seminario web que guiará a los usuarios de Research4Life a través de Cambridge Core, el hogar del contenido académico de Cambridge University Press (CUP).
New radiology content available through Research4Life
The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) has recently joined Research4Life. This adds five journals, accessible to all users, to the Hinari collection.
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New user interface for Research4Life planned for mid-2021
We are thrilled to announce that Research4Life will be working with Ingenta to create a new user interface for its content portal. The new Research4Life portal is set to launch in the spring of next year.