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Últimas noticias

Una nueva organización sin fines de lucro impulsa la misión de Research4Life de crear capacidad de investigación en LMICs

Friends of Research4Life, una nueva organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3) con sede en los Estados Unidos, se lanzó para respaldar la misión fundamental de Research4Life de permitir la plena participación en el entorno de información global. Las organizaciones y los individuos ahora pueden hacer contribuciones que beneficien directamente a los programas de Research4Life.

Hinari Train the Trainers workshop in Egypt
Hinari Train the Trainers workshop in Egypt
A total of 50 participants including 5 from Djibouti and Libya were present at a Hinari Sub-regional workshop in Cairo, Egypt. The majority of the Egyptian participants were from health-related academic institutions. The workshop was jointly organized by WHO EMRO, the Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB) and the Librarians Without Borders/Medical Library Association, USA (LWB).
GLL Webinar 6: Strengthening the knowledge base about quality of care – an overview of Hinari: Research for Health.
Advancing on the promise of universal health coverage (UHC) requires access to critical information to strengthen the knowledge base around quality of care. This webinar will provide an overview of the WHO programme, Hinari Access to Research for Health. The
Rice paddies in Kiroka with the Uluguru Mountains in the distance
Call for Applications for free AGORA Online (English) Course is now open!
AGORA Team is pleased to offer AGORA (Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture) Online Course again in English. AGORA is one of the five programmes of Research4Life. The online course entitled AGORA : Fundamentals of Information Literacy and Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture is provided by the Partnerships and South-South Cooperation Division (DPS) at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN), in collaboration with Research4Life.
Rome, Italy - Ten Years On: 10th Anniversary of AGORA
Appel aux candidatures cours en ligne AGORA : Principes fondamentaux de l’alphabétisation informationnelle et de l’accès mondial en ligne à la recherche en agriculture – 14 au 25 Mai 2018
L'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO), en collaboration avec Research4Life, a le plaisir d'annoncer un cours en ligne en français sur la plateforme AGORA (Accès à la recherche mondiale en ligne sur l'agriculture), qui se tiendra pour la première fois du 14 au 25 mai 2018.
SAGE Publishing has made its e-book collection available to Research4Life
In April 2018, SAGE Publishing opened its e-book collection to Research4Life. Thanks to this addition, AGORA’s (Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture) collection now includes 3,325 new e-books! About AGORA and Research4Life Founded in 2003, by FAO of the UN in partnership with Cornell University and 65 world leading
From AGORA Workshop in Nepal (29 -30 March, 2018)
Participants of the AGORA workshop, Lalitpur, Nepal, 30 March 2018 INTRODUCTION The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) held a two-day national workshop on Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture