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Últimas noticias

Una nueva organización sin fines de lucro impulsa la misión de Research4Life de crear capacidad de investigación en LMICs

Friends of Research4Life, una nueva organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3) con sede en los Estados Unidos, se lanzó para respaldar la misión fundamental de Research4Life de permitir la plena participación en el entorno de información global. Las organizaciones y los individuos ahora pueden hacer contribuciones que beneficien directamente a los programas de Research4Life.

More than 80,000 resources are now available through Research4Life
As per January 2018 Research4Life has reached more than 80,000 journals, books and other resources through its four programmes: AGORA, Hinari, OARE and ARDI.   [su_row class=»»] [su_column size=»1/2″ center=»no» class=»»] Hinari Journals: up to 14,000 Books: up to 56,000
National AGORA Workshop in the Republic of Moldova: Access to Online Information in Agricultural Research
OBJECTIVE: Knowledge sharing & experience capitalization on how to use the AGORA platform to access an outstanding digital library collection in the fields of food, agriculture, environmental science and related social sciences. WHEN : 27-28 November 2017 WHERE : Chisinau, Republic
AGORA Online Course was held between 23 October – 5 November 2017: Follow-up
(Image source: Open Educational Resources: Global Report 2017, CommonWealth of Learning, under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License) AGORA Online Course entitled “Fundamentals of Information Literacy and Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture” was held between 23 October- 5 November
Call for applications 2018 MLA Librarians without Borders®/ Elsevier Foundation/ Research4Life Grants
The Medical Library Association (MLA) has announced the Hinari/Research4Life (R4L) Grants for 2018. Funded by the Elsevier Foundation, up to five awards, will support Hinari/R4L training activities that promote the use of the programs’ scientific research resources in emerging/low income
Call for applications: Hinari Online Users Course
A new Hinari Users course will be available for free to users in registered institutions. The two-week distance learning course focuses on the basic skills needed to effectively access and download full-text material from Hinari. You will also learn how
Advocacy for Information Literacy and Access to Academic Resources in Uganda
Mary Acanit is an Assistant Librarian at Kyambogo University Library Services in Kampala, Uganda. She is currently finishing her master’s degree in information science at Makerere University. She is one of two winners of the Research4Life/INASP Advocacy Competition Mary Acanit