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Últimas noticias

Una nueva organización sin fines de lucro impulsa la misión de Research4Life de crear capacidad de investigación en LMICs

Friends of Research4Life, una nueva organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3) con sede en los Estados Unidos, se lanzó para respaldar la misión fundamental de Research4Life de permitir la plena participación en el entorno de información global. Las organizaciones y los individuos ahora pueden hacer contribuciones que beneficien directamente a los programas de Research4Life.

Research4Life-INASP Advocacy Competition
Version en Español Over the last two decades we have worked together with INASP to close the information gap between developed and developing countries by providing free or low cost access to academic, scientific, and professional peer-reviewed content online and providing the necessary training
En español: Lo que debes saber acerca de Research4Life
Si usted es un investigador, bibliotecario, médico o estudiante en un país en vía de desarrollo, este post le informará lo que debe saber acerca de Research4Life. ¿Qué es Research4Life? Research4Life es el nombre colectivo de cuatro socios público-privados que tienen
Interview with Chenjerai Mabhiza about the Forum on Open Data, Open Science and Open Access to Information in Agriculture
Interview with Chenjerai Mabhiza, Head of User Services at the University of Namibia Following the forum on Open science and Open Data in Agriculture in Namibia in April, we caught up with Chenjerai Mabhiza – Head of User Services at the University
A total of 69,000 online resources now available in Research4Life
The total online resources available in Research4Life is going up We are pleased to announce a new update in the number of online resources available through the Research4Life programes. In the last 18 months, the total count of material has risen
Total resources on AGORA swells to 28,000
Huge new input onto the platform gives researchers access to 15,000 new books New resources are being added to Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) all the time but this latest addition represents an enormous boost to the
Tanzania workshop on Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA), May 24-25 2016
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO of the UN) in conjunction with several partners is organizing a series of training workshops across Asia and Africa focused on access to research in agriculture and fisheries. Last month