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Últimas noticias

Una nueva organización sin fines de lucro impulsa la misión de Research4Life de crear capacidad de investigación en LMICs

Friends of Research4Life, una nueva organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3) con sede en los Estados Unidos, se lanzó para respaldar la misión fundamental de Research4Life de permitir la plena participación en el entorno de información global. Las organizaciones y los individuos ahora pueden hacer contribuciones que beneficien directamente a los programas de Research4Life.

TEDMED enjoyed by Research4Life Users and Partners for free 16-19 April
  At Research4Life, we are always looking for ways to help our members and partners.  This year we had a very special opportunity to bring TEDMED to everyone on 16-21 April. TEDMED (  is the famous, multidisciplinary gathering at the
Research4Life and its impact on Agronomist's work in Burkina Faso
Dr Sami Hyacinthe Kambire, a researcher from Burkina Faso, shares how Research4Life as helped him to develop better and more informed scientific writing skills, produce focused research that he can discuss with top researchers worldwide, compete more effectively for research
Research4Life and its impact on Agronomist’s work in Burkina Faso
Dr Sami Hyacinthe Kambire, a researcher from Burkina Faso, shares how Research4Life as helped him to develop better and more informed scientific writing skills, produce focused research that he can discuss with top researchers worldwide, compete more effectively for research
For Release: March 6th 2013 Contact:       Charlotte Masiello-Riome,  Research4Life Communications [email protected]  Follow R4L on Twitter at  @R4LPartnership Global case study competition focuses on how vital collaboration between Research4Life and librarians powers effective research in developing countries. London, United Kingdom
Research4Life helps charity improve lives of HIV-infected orphans- Zambia
frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"> In 2003, a woman with AIDS, seven months pregnant and living in a bus terminal in the Zambian capital of Lusaka, was found by nuns and brought to a shelter. After delivering the baby, physician Tim Meade
Over 12,000 Wiley Online Books Made Available in Developing Countries Via Research4Life
Media Contact: Ben Norman (UK) +44 (0) 1243 770 375 Amy Molnar (US) +1 201-748-8844 [email protected]   Over 12,000 Wiley Online Books Made Available in Developing Countries Via Research4Life Hoboken, NJ, February 6, 2013, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., today