¿Se ha inscrito recientemente en Research4Life? Hemos desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas para bibliotecarios y así ayudarlo a promover los recursos de Research4Life entre sus usuarios. Research4Life brinda a las instituciones en países de ingresos bajos y medianos acceso en
Join us for a webinar on The Lens, a free and open knowledge and discovery platform that provides analytics and research management tools, and a comprehensive collection of scholarly literature and patent metadata. Sign up for the webinar on Monday
Researchers can now submit their work to open access journals, which are free to read. However, many researchers in lower-income countries don’t have funds to pay for the fees. Research4Life helps them navigate this landscape.
Join our two-part training and discover how researchers can use ORCID to get visibility for all of their work, from publications to grants. The webinars will take place on 14 and 21 April 2021.
Join our next webinar on 29 January to learn all about Researcher Academy, a free platform that helps researchers participate in the global scientific landscape.
Nos complace anunciar un nuevo seminario web que guiará a los usuarios de Research4Life a través de Cambridge Core, el hogar del contenido académico de Cambridge University Press (CUP).
Join us on 11 November 2020 at 10 am CET for a second webinar in which you will learn how INASP supports researchers in low- and middle-income countries.
The Journal of Medical Insight (JOMI), provides peer-reviewed video articles covering surgical procedures step by step. The journal is available through Research4Life.
Mary Acanit is an Assistant Librarian at Kyambogo University Library Services in Kampala, Uganda. She is currently finishing her master’s degree in information science at Makerere University. She is one of two winners of the Research4Life/INASP Advocacy Competition Mary Acanit