Research4Life Training: An Overview of the Past Year
To make the best use of the Research4Life resources, training is one of the key and most important activities that our partners and programmes are committed to offer to our users. During the year thousands of librarians and researchers make use of our training material around the globe.
Research4Life offers long-term support on the use of the HINARI, AGORA, OARE and ARDI online platforms, Reference Management Tools and also training on how to write, read and publish research papers. Training workshops and courses are offered online via our Training Portal, Programme Portals and ITOCA Moodle Platform, but users can also attend National Training Workshops in different countries. Most of the Training workshops are hosted and funded by partner organizations and universities, and others are directly funded by Research4Life.
The following map presents an overview of the National Training Workshops conducted during the past year. This map is a comprehensive overview of the workshops notified to the Training Team, if you or your organization hosted a Research4Life workshop during the past year, and it is not on the map, please let us now by sending an email to: [email protected]
Are you joining a Research4Life workshop in the future? would you like to follow an online workshop? stay tuned for upcoming training!
(click on the image to enlarge)
About the author
Natalia Rodriguez
Natalia Rodriguez
Natalia Rodriguez @rodrigueznats is the Communications Coordinator for Research4Life. She works with different organisations finding innovative ways to communicate science and development.