Instituto Nicaraguense de Tecnologia Agropecuaria eager to discover the AGORA platform
Category: News
Objective of the training: knowledge sharing on how to use of the AGORA platform, to be able to access the digital library collection covering food, agriculture, environmental sciences and related social sciences
When: 5 February 2018
Where: Online training
Who: 38 staff members of the National Technical Institute of Agriculture and Fisheries in Nicaragua
Upon request of the National Technical Institute of Agriculture and Fisheries (INTA) in Nicaragua, the AGORA team of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with FAO Nicaragua, organized a four-hour online training for the INTA team at the central level and their remotely connected colleagues from the six regions. In total 38 staff members of the Institute participated to jointly discover the AGORA platform and collection for the first time. At the central level 15 colleagues followed the training together on a big screen, while at the same time practicing on their laptops. (see picture).
The training was composed of four basic modules: an introduction to AGORA and Research4Life, how to connect to the platform and navigate AGORA, how to define a search and how to search for full text articles on the topic of your choice. Towards the end of the training exercises were shared with the participants and based on the problems they encountered questions and answers were provided.
As for many institutions registered with Research4Life and AGORA, accessing the wealth of scientific resources online is a great step forward to improved access to the most recent research and more variety of research materials. INTA immediately dove in starting to search for materials directly relevant for the work they are doing at this moment.
INTA staff members have now strengthened their skills to better use the resources available in AGORA and the AGORA Team at FAO will ensure follow up through the AGORA helpdesk for the participants who might have further questions while using the AGORA portal to work on their scientific research projects.
Is your institution interested to benefit from an online training session to introduce AGORA or to further explore it? Write us at
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