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Finding accurate poisons information: spotlight on the New Zealand National Poisons Centre
Research4Life users can access the NPC's professional and timely advice on poison management and emergency preparedness.
« Research4Life has been with me through my entire career »
For fifteen years, Research4Life has supported urology research and practice in Senegal and beyond.
From Research4Life user to co-Chair of Research4Life Technology team
Martin manages Research4Life's technology platforms and offers support to users, working closely with our technology partners.
Register now for the 8th Research4Life MOOC
Registrations for the Research4Life Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) 8th edition are open. This free five-week course will run from 3 April to 7 May 2023. Register before 12 March 2023 to reserve your spot!
All Research4Life content is now available in Syrian Arab Republic
Research4Life publisher partners granted access to almost all Research4Life content in Syrian Arab Republic as a response to the current crisis.
« Research4Life is an incredible community »
Ylann Schemm, Director of the Elsevier Foundation, tells us why they're supporting Research4Life Country Connectors project.