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Join us for a side event at the FAO Science and Innovation Forum
Wednesday, 12 October at 11am CEST: Partnering to Provide Access to Scientific Information to the Global South to support agrifood systems transformation.
Ukrainian institutions using Research4Life increase almost tenfold
More than 500 organizations in Ukraine have subscribed to Research4Life collections of resources in less than six months for zero-fee access.
Sarah Phibbs is the new Director of Research4Life Publisher Partnerships
Sarah comes to the role already having close experience with Research4Life. she brings years of experience as a consultant for societies and publishers focusing on sustainable publishing, strategy, and innovation.
Jus Mundi’s research tools to be provided for free in over 80 lower and middle-income countries via Research4Life
Research4Life and Jus Mundi have joined forces to provide international law and arbitration resources for free to scholars and researchers in over 80 lower and middle-income (Group A) countries.
Research4Life launches Country Connectors network project to support users at local level
The Country Connectors network project will deliver local interventions to heighten awareness about Research4Life resources.
Andrea Powell, Publisher Coordinator at Research4Life and Chair of the Finance Committee, to retire
Andrea has been the Outreach Director for STM since November 2018, and will remain associated with Research4Life as a Director on the Board of Friends of Research4Life.