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Strengthening diagnostic medical imaging in Tanzania through Research4life
By Dr. Mboni Ruzegea, Director General of Tanzania Library Services Board and National Library. The use of imaging technology to diagnose and treat local endemic diseases is gaining pace in Tanzania. Thanks to the increased availability of evidence-based research, radiologists in
Navigating the new Research4Life content portal: save time and discover content easily
We invite all Research4Life users to a webinar on how to navigate our new unified content portal to discover content easily on your next search.
news clipping from the washington post and new york times covering the launch of hinari
Twenty years of Hinari
For the 20th anniversary of Hinari, Research4Life’s Health program managed by WHO, we went back in time a retraced its history.
Press release: Research4Life launches their world class digital repository on Ingenta Edify
Research4Life has successfully launched its new content portal powered by Ingenta Edify.
Inscrivez-vous maintenant au nouveau MOOC français Research4Life
Nouveau portail de Research4Life maintenant en ligne
Le nouveau portail utilisateur est disponible pour tous les utilisateurs de Research4Life, qui peuvent accéder à notre contenu avec des fonctionnalités et des capacités améliorées.
Webinar – How Research4Life can help make Open Access publishing more equitable
Join us for a new webinar and discover how Research4Life is looking at the Open Access landscape.