
Abonnez-vous à Research4Life pour recevoir le bulletin d’information et les nouvelles de Research4Life. Le bulletin est publié deux fois par an et informe sur les faits saillants récents du partenariat. Le bulletin d’information est envoyé plus souvent et contient des informations sur les dernières nouvelles et mises à jour qui sont publiées sur la page d’accueil de Research4Life. Restez informés !


Press release: New Research4Life User Review sheds light on users’ needs and challenges
Research4Life programs make a significant positive difference to research experiences in low- and middle-income countries – but only when users know they are available and how to use them.
How Research4Life has responded to the COVID-19 emergency
COVID-19 is not affecting all the Research4Life community in the same way: new User Review shows the pandemic impact, and how Research4Life can help.
How Research4Life helps save lives on a neurosurgery ward
Dr. Pratyush Shrestha uses Research4Life to get vital information to successfully operate a complex case that he has never seen before.
Discover The Lens – register now for the next webinar
Join us for a webinar on The Lens, a free and open knowledge and discovery platform that provides analytics and research management tools, and a comprehensive collection of scholarly literature and patent metadata. Sign up for the webinar on Monday
mendeley main
Webinar: Discover Mendeley Reference Manager – register now
We invite all Research4Life users to a webinar on Mendeley, a free platform that helps make you a powerful, productive researcher.
New nonprofit boosts Research4Life’s mission to build research capacity in lower- and middle-income countries
Friends of Research4Life, a new nonprofit, was launched to support the critical mission of Research4Life to enable full participation in the global information environment. Organizations and individuals can now make contributions.