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Publishers open up digital backfiles for Research4Life users unable to visit their libraries
Our publisher partners are stepping in to help out Research4Life users unable to access older books or journal articles through their library due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Research4Life user looking at screen
Share your thoughts on resources available through Research4Life
Want to help us decide which webinars to organize next? We invite all Research4Life users to take our short survey.
World Intellectual Property Day: celebrating access to information for innovation
26 April marks World Intellectual Property Day. We talked to our colleagues at ARDI, Research4Life’s program for development and innovation resources, about some milestones of the program.
Three things you didn’t know about Hinari
Today, 7 April, marks World Health Day. This year, the day has a special focus on recognizing nurses and midwives. We asked our colleagues at Hinari, Research4Life's health information program, about the very first nursing resources on the platform.
Five librarians from Research4Life countries will build capacity in their region
The Medical Library Association (MLA) and the Elsevier Foundation have announced the recipients of the 2020 MLA Librarians without Borders®/ Elsevier Foundation/ Research4Life Grants. Read all about their projects below. The grants enable information specialists to provide Research4Life trainings in
Find information on COVID-19 through Research4Life
Research4Life users can log in via their preferred program to access relevant scientific research and information on COVID-19.