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« More than two billion people don’t have access to basic sanitation facilities » – Why water research matters
22 March marks World Water Day, a UN initiative to raise awareness about the importance of freshwater. To celebrate this day, we are highlighting IWA Publishing.
Embase fait partie de Research4Life – rejoignez notre webinaire en anglais, français et espagnol
Read in English | Leer en español Recemment, Elsevier a ajouté Embase, une base de données biomédicale, à son offre Research4Life. Les utilisateurs ayant accès à la plateforme sont invités à rejoindre notre webinaire gratuit qui vous apprendra comment vous
From playing cricket to supporting health researchers: Research4Life’s user representative talks about his work as a librarian in Nepal
To make sure users’ needs are well-represented, Research4Life has two user representatives. Read our interview with one of them: Chandra Bhushan Yadav from Nepal.
Research4Life user looking at screen
Register now for the 2020 Research4Life online course
Research4Life users can now register for the second edition of the Research4Life Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The free course, which is taught in English, will run from 20 April to 24 May 2020.
Elsevier opens up Embase to Research4Life
Elsevier is making its biomedical database Embase available to Research4Life users with immediate effect. Researchers and healthcare professionals in developing countries now have access to one of the world’s most comprehensive biomedical literature databases.
How Research4Life helps medical researchers perform systematic reviews
Librarian Xan Goodman travelled to Nigeria for a workshop on using Research4Life for health research. The impact she made with those workshops is still noticeable today.