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Did you download our Advocacy Toolkit? Fill in the survey!
As you may know, earlier this year we launched the Research4Life Advocacy Toolkit to help information professionals get support and secure funding for Research4Life. We would like to know how you experienced the Toolkit, to improve our service to you,
The first Research4Life training empowering African trainers on legal research
The first GOALI training introducing experienced trainers to legal research took place in January 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa GOALI (Global Online Access to Legal Information) is the newest Research4Life programme promoting access to legal content from top academic publishers
Réservez votre place pour le prochain cours en ligne AGORA: les inscriptions sont ouvertes
Book Your Place for the Next AGORA Online Course: Registration is Open Reserve su plaza para el próximo curso AGORA Online: la inscripción se encuentra abierta En février 2019, l’équipe AGORA a organisé un cours en ligne intitulé «Principes fondamentaux
GOALI aide les bibliothécaires et les chercheurs à «connaître nos droits et à respecter les droits des autres»
Il y a un an, nous avons lancé GOALI afin de ou dans l’optique de fournir aux pays en voie de développement un accès à un contenu juridique académique et à une formation. À l’occasion du premier anniversaire, nous avons
Research4Life Advocacy Toolkit helps librarians achieve their goals
In a changing information landscape, librarians and information professionals often have to act as advocates for what a library is and does. To help them get their message across clearly and convincingly, Research4Life presents its Advocacy Toolkit, a practical learning
Our website is now available in Spanish and Portuguese
Loyal followers may have already noticed: our website is now also (partly) available in Spanish and Portuguese! This way, we hope to service more of our users in different corners of the world. To change the language, simply click one