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Dr. Bazirake (center) and the research team from the Uganda Registration Services Bureau (the IP Office). Photo credit: Natalia Rodriguez (2019).
Transforming innovation in LMICs: A Q&A with WIPO’s Technology and Innovation Support Division
Find out how TISCs and Research4life are supporting innovators in low and middle-income countries. Check out our insightful Q&A with WIPO's Andrew Czajkowski. Learn how TISCs and ARDI are making a difference and driving innovation in LMICs. Read more in our latest Q&A.
Children reading books from a Book Aid International Discovery Book Box, Sierra Leone
« We provide books for people of every age and background »: An interview with the Chief Executive of Book Aid International
Discover how Book Aid International is transforming lives by providing books to people of every age and background. In this interview, Chief Executive Alison Tweed shares insights into their mission, innovative projects, and the impact of their work across diverse communities.
Join us for our upcoming webinars addressing your FAQs and Technical Issues
Join us for our upcoming webinars addressing your FAQs about Research4life and allow us to assist with any technical challenges you are facing in order to improve your experience.
WIPO Study: Research4Life Program Spikes Research Output by up to 75% in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Free or low-cost online access to scientific publications — as provided by Research4Life programs — results in a surge in scientific output, particularly in health sciences.
Person working on a digital tablet.
Looking for volunteers: Become a Marketing Co-Chair at Research4Life!
Are you an enthusiastic communicator who would love to lead a dynamic team? Would you like to work on development communication contributing to more equitable scholarly communications? We have an excellent opportunity for you. Research4Life’s Communications & Marketing Committee is
Magnifying glass on blue surface
What does « decolonizing” research mean, and why is it important?
Our vision for 2030 is to increase participation of researchers from underrepresented regions in both research output and decision-making processes. Find out the best practices for decolonising research and ensuring inclusive projects to achieve a more equitable distribution of knowledge.