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Revised version of the HINARI Training Portal
A revised version of the HINARI Training Portal was recently launched. The reorganization had two goals: to update and streamline the basic and advanced Hinari training modules and move the cross-programme Research4Life materials to a new portal. The HINARI Training
Special Collection on the Ebola Virus by AAAS/Science
Given the current widespread and lethal outbreak of the Ebola virus, AAAS’ journals Science and Science Translational Medicine offer a freely available collection of research and news articles on the viral disease to researchers and the general public. View the special collection and share
Scientific Research in Africa is Gathering Momentum
AFRICA has a poor reputation for scientific innovation. But when South Africa jointly won a bid in 2012 to host the world’s largest science project, for a radio telescope called the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), it hoped to foster a
Public Access: Getting More Research to More People
While open access (OA) is by far the most well-known form of public access, it is not the only one. Having spent two days last week at Research4Life meetings in Washington, DC and with today’s announcement that more than 80% of UK
New Research4Life Training Portal
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Research4Life Training portal ( The goal of this resource is to centrally locate the inter-discipline training material and other training related information from all four Research4Life programmes – HINARI, AGORA, OARE and ARDI.
AAAS Science – Publisher of the Month
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is our first publisher of the month. AAAS publishes three respected peer-reviewed journals that Research4Life users are able to access. Science, the premier global science weekly; Science Signaling, the leading journal of