
A librarian in Myanmar is modernizing the way of delivering literature to students, a physiotherapist in Ethiopia is finding better ways to treat his patients and a researcher in Zimbabwe is tackling the burden of diabetes. These are just some of the many stories we hear from Research4Life user. Read more below on this page, and discover other stories from the community.

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New nonprofit launched to support Research4Life

Friends of Research4Life, a new 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in the United States, was launched to support the critical mission of Research4Life to enable full participation in the global information environment. Organizations and individuals can now make contributions that directly benefit Research4Life programs.

Simplifying access to Research4Life resources
This initiative ensures secure academic resource access by allowing users to log in with their institutional credentials, eliminating the need for shared passwords.
Welcome, Dr. Grace Msoffe – our new Group A User Representative
Dr. Grace Msoffe is elected as the Group A User Representative, to provide the voice of the user community and bring forth issues of concern or interest.
El Salvador’s Innovative Chatbot: Transforming Research4Life Engagement
The chatbot serves as an interactive guide, directing users to a dedicated Research4Life page. In this Q&A, we dive deeper into the chatbot’s development, its impact, and what the future holds for this innovative tool in El Salvador.
Research4Life Expands Country Connector Program to Angola and Uganda
We’re excited to announce the recent expansion of the Research4Life Country Connector program with the addition of Angola and Uganda.
Image of the new co-chairs with their names and titles
Research4Life Appoints New Marketing and Communications Co-Chairs
We are excited to share an update about our goals to contribute to the UN Decade of Action for accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals by increasing research participation from LMICs. Following a call for application and a thorough and thoughtful selection
This is an infographic. The copy reads: Research4Life in Numbers Research4Life spikes research output by up to 75% in low- and middle-income countries. 11,500 Institutions Registered With R4L’s Portal; 232,000 Resources Available; 125 Low- Middle- Income Countries; 41,000 Journals; 205,000 Books; 160 Databases After Joining R4L 75% Increase Health Science Publishing; 20% Increase In Clinical Trials Uptake; Between 2021 and 2023, we had almost 6 million portal page views; Academic paper output increased by 80–100%. (disclaimer: in the Caribbean, Central Asia, Europe and Latin America) Clinical trial activity rose by up to 35% (disclaimer: East Asia, the Pacific, the Middle East and North Africa) It is blue with yellow numbers and white text. The graphics are very simple.
First ever Impact Report from Research4Life
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: JANUARY 2, 2025 We are pleased to announce the publication of our first ever Impact Report “Changing the face of global research”. Designed to show what we’ve achieved, and communicate our hopes for the future of our