EUP joins Research4Life, boosting access to Humanities and Social Sciences research

Published: Wednesday 17th January 2024
Category: News

logos of Research4Life and EUP to denote new partnership. Included are 4 journal covers of journals that are added to the Research4life portal

At the start of the year, we spoke with Sarah McDonald, Head of Journals for Edinburgh University Press (EUP), who shared the EUP team’s excitement about joining Research4Life. This partnership aligns with EUP’s Developing Countries Initiative and their commitment to equity and accessibility. The inclusion of EUP to the Research4Life partnership means an incredible expansion of our resources in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS). We’re adding all 60 EUP journals which include Literary Studies, Linguistics, Philosophy, Politics, History, Film & Media Studies, Law, and Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies.

What is your motivation for joining Research4Life?

Sarah McDonald, she has curly reddish brown hair and a maroon blouse.

Sarah McDonald, Head of Journals for Edinburgh University Press (EUP)

Sarah: “At Edinburgh University Press it is our mission to create a community of authors, editors, advisors and practitioners committed to publishing world-class academic research that amplifies the critical role of the humanities and social sciences in shaping the way we think about and tackle global and local issues. We work with academics from across diverse backgrounds to give voice to a wide range of international perspectives. We are keen to participate in Research4Life to expand the existing Edinburgh University Press Developing Countries Initiative and to widen access to our content for students and researchers in lower income countries, in keeping with our commitment to equity and accessibility.”

How will your partnership with Research4Life impact access to Humanities and Social Sciences in developing countries?

Sarah: “With Research4Life, we can bring our world-class academic research to a broad audience in 80+ Group A Research4Life countries. This partnership will remove the barriers so students and researchers can access humanities and social sciences research. EUP has just launched a Subscribe to Open pilot for 2024 for two Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies journals – Afghanistan and the Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies – signifying our commitment to a sustainable and equitable Open Access (OA) transformation. This ensures that we can give voice to a wide range of international authors with diverse perspectives.”

Is there any content you would particularly like to highlight to Research4Life users?

Sarah: “I would encourage people to check out the journals in our Subscribe to Open pilot Afghanistan and the Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies. In addition, we are pleased to highlight these four journals for your readers, which we know have had the highest usage via the EUP Developing Countries initiative: Studies in World Christianity; African Journal of International and Comparative Law; Journal of Qur’anic Studies: and Paragraph.”

Do you participate in any other initiatives that provide access to your content in developing countries and which would be complementary to Research4Life?

Sarah: “Yes, Edinburgh University Press journals are available free of charge, in electronic format, to countries classified as ‘low income’ in the World Bank Country Classification. Researchers and others do not need to sign up for this service as our website will detect the country you are connecting from and grant free online access automatically via Edinburgh University Press Journals Online.”

Are you a Research4Life user and do you want to browse through the titles offered by EUP? Log in to Research4Life and select ‘Publisher’ in the ‘Find by’ menu at the top. Alternatively, you can perform an advanced summon search.

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