
A librarian in Myanmar is modernizing the way of delivering literature to students, a physiotherapist in Ethiopia is finding better ways to treat his patients and a researcher in Zimbabwe is tackling the burden of diabetes. These are just some of the many stories we hear from Research4Life user. Read more below on this page, and discover other stories from the community.

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New nonprofit launched to support Research4Life

Friends of Research4Life, a new 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in the United States, was launched to support the critical mission of Research4Life to enable full participation in the global information environment. Organizations and individuals can now make contributions that directly benefit Research4Life programs.

First Research4Life MOOC: apply now!
Research4Life is thrilled to announce the launch of a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) that will equip existing and future users of the Research4Life programs.
Workshop in Moldova paves the way for Research4Life and AGORA in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus
The first regional AGORA workshop took place in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova on 3-4 October 2019.
Apply now for grants that support the use of Research4Life in low-income countries
The Medical Library Association (MLA) has opened the call for applications for the MLA Librarians without Borders® / Elsevier Foundation / Research4Life Grants. Applications will be open until 1 December 2019.
First regional Research4Life workshop builds research capacity in Eastern Europe
From 3-4 October 2019, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is hosting the first ever regional Research4Life workshop.
10 years of ARDI: How it all started, and where we are now
Exactly ten years ago, information specialists at WIPO formalized their plan to make patent databases and related scientific literature available to developing countries.
New video walks you through the GOALI content portal
This tutorial explains in detail how to browse scientific journals and books through the GOALI content portal.