
‘Making a Difference’: Where Are They Now? – Dr. Tewodros Tilahun
Transforming Patient Care in the Developing World How access to online medical research is shaping the future of CURE Ethiopia Children’s Hospital In 2011, we heard the inspirational stories of some of the individuals who rely on the Research4Life programmes everyday
Researchers and Farmers in Burkina Faso Benefit from Research4Life’s AGORA Programme
As one of the poorest countries in the world, Burkina Faso regularly suffers from drought, poor soil, lack of adequate communications and other infrastructure, a low literacy rate, and a stagnant economy. With 80% of the population relying on the
Sumawa Project in Kenya’s Rift Valley OARE case study
Aided by access to research, through the Research4Life initiative, the SUMAWA project is having an impressive impact on the local community, endangered tribes and wildlife in the area.  The Ogiek tribe in Kenya is endangered: the forest, their natural environment,