Research4Life, DOAJ, ASSAf Accredited Course

Published: quarta-feira 8th maio 2024
Category: Other

Research4Life in partnership with the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) are running a virtual course aimed at publishers based in low- and middle-income countries. This course will run throughout the year and will be made available for the first time in French, Spanish and Ukrainian, in addition to English. The aim of the course is to strengthen the journal publications in these regions and enable the research from low- and middle-income countries to be more visible and accessible. This is an accredited course for those that attend all modules.

Coverage Dates

Module 1: DOAJ introduction & overview
Module 2: Submitting a scholarly journal application to DOAJ
Module 3: Best publishing practices for scholarly journals
Module 4: Predatory and unethical journal publishing practices, incl. Artificial Intelligence

English Course:
May 2024 10, 17, 21 and 31
Starting at 12pm GMT+2


Target Audience: The initial countries eligible to register in May 2024 are Liberia, Kenya and Sierra Leonne, who are part of the Research4Life Country Connectors initiative.

Meet the presenters



