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Promoting Digital Access to Research in Least Developed Countries

1,400 librarians, researchers and students from 10 countries have learnt how to access and search digital scientific and academic information provided by Research4Life partners in the framework of a new activity of the UN’s Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries.

Our vision to 2030: Research4Life Strategic Plan
We are proud to share our new Strategic Plan with you, which offers our members, users and supporters of Research4Life the opportunity to contribute to the creation of a diverse and inclusive and equitable research ecosystem.
Nature Masterclasses online training made free to access for researchers in lower income countries
Springer Nature has made Nature Masterclasses on-demand online training content free to access in Research4Life Group A countries. Researchers can learn at their own pace, in their preferred format, as the online courses are delivered in bite-size lessons and practical tasks with over 45 hours of training available.
Honduran doctor devotes decades to Research4Life training
Dr. Jackeline Alger reflects on how Research4Life has helped the betterment of public health and expansion of the research ecosystem in Honduras.
A 6-part webinar series to maximize your research output and impact
Join us for a 6-part webinar program designed to support your publishing and research communication process.
Young Nigerian university ranks up thanks to Research4Life
University of Medial Sciences boasts nationwide recognition in Nigeria. One of the founding librarians says Research4Life was the key to that prominence.
Ensuring continued support for Research4Life users in Ukraine
We are pleased to announce that no payment from institutions in the Ukraine will be required for 2022, and full access will be available for the coming calendar year.