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Promoting Digital Access to Research in Least Developed Countries

1,400 librarians, researchers and students from 10 countries have learnt how to access and search digital scientific and academic information provided by Research4Life partners in the framework of a new activity of the UN’s Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries.

Press release: Research4Life launches their world class digital repository on Ingenta Edify
Research4Life has successfully launched its new content portal powered by Ingenta Edify.
Inscrivez-vous maintenant au nouveau MOOC français Research4Life
O novo portal Research4Life já está online
O novo Portal do Usuário está disponível para todos os usuários da Research4Life, que podem acessar nosso conteúdo com recursos e capacidades aprimoradas.
Webinar – How Research4Life can help make Open Access publishing more equitable
Join us for a new webinar and discover how Research4Life is looking at the Open Access landscape.
Press release: New Research4Life User Review sheds light on users’ needs and challenges
Research4Life programs make a significant positive difference to research experiences in low- and middle-income countries – but only when users know they are available and how to use them.
How Research4Life has responded to the COVID-19 emergency
COVID-19 is not affecting all the Research4Life community in the same way: new User Review shows the pandemic impact, and how Research4Life can help.
How Research4Life helps save lives on a neurosurgery ward
Dr. Pratyush Shrestha uses Research4Life to get vital information to successfully operate a complex case that he has never seen before.