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Promoting Digital Access to Research in Least Developed Countries

1,400 librarians, researchers and students from 10 countries have learnt how to access and search digital scientific and academic information provided by Research4Life partners in the framework of a new activity of the UN’s Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries.

Join our webinar with Cambridge University Press
Our next webinar guides Research4Life users through Cambridge Core, the home of academic content from Cambridge University Press (CUP).
New radiology content available through Research4Life
The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) has recently joined Research4Life. This adds five journals, accessible to all users, to the Hinari collection.
Two people looking at a screen
New user interface for Research4Life planned for mid-2021
We are thrilled to announce that Research4Life will be working with Ingenta to create a new user interface for its content portal. The new Research4Life portal is set to launch in the spring of next year.
Webinar: Learn all about joining and using Research4Life
Join us on Tuesday 24 November at 2 pm CET for a webinar that takes you through everything you need to know about joining Research4Life.
New webinar on INASP services for researchers from the Global South
Join us on 11 November 2020 at 10 am CET for a second webinar in which you will learn how INASP supports researchers in low- and middle-income countries.
Building an evidence-based culture in Mali
The Journal Scientifique et Technique du Mali is slowly but surely expanding the scholarly communications landscape in West Africa. Read our interview with co-founder Hilaire Diarra.