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Promoting Digital Access to Research in Least Developed Countries

1,400 librarians, researchers and students from 10 countries have learnt how to access and search digital scientific and academic information provided by Research4Life partners in the framework of a new activity of the UN’s Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries.

Research4Life trainers: apply now for grants
Research4Life trainers can now apply for a grant from the Medical Library Association (MLA) for workshops and distance-learning courses.
Webinar: INASP services for researchers from the Global South
Join our webinar on 12 October at 2 pm CET in which experts will share how INASP is working to support researchers in low- and middle-income countries in publishing and communicating their research.
The Lens, platform for innovation cartography, now available through Research4Life
The Lens is now available as a resource through all Research4Life programs. We talked to Osmat Jefferson, Director of Product Development, and Mark Garlinghouse, Director of Business Development.
Register now for the next Research4Life MOOC
The fourth edition of the Research4Life MOOC is starting on 5 October. Register before 28 September to join hundreds of peers and discover Research4Life!
Webinar: How to use the FSTA database for research in food and health science
FSTA provides scientific and technological information in food and health science. Join us on 24 September at 2:00 pm CET for a free webinar on how to search FSTA effectively.
“Open access publishing needs to be as inclusive as it wants to be”: Three recommendations to support OA in the Global South
Elsevier and STM collaborated on an analysis of publishing habits and trends in Research4Life countries over the past ten years. Read our interview about the report.