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Promoting Digital Access to Research in Least Developed Countries

1,400 librarians, researchers and students from 10 countries have learnt how to access and search digital scientific and academic information provided by Research4Life partners in the framework of a new activity of the UN’s Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries.

Webinar for AGORA Online Course Alumni in English, French and Spanish
This webinar is organized specifically for the 2018 Alumni of the online course “Fundamentals of Information Literacy and Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture - AGORA”.
Research4Life Newsletter October 2018
Table of Contents Note from the Editors Research4Life Partners Meeting highlights Research4Life Code of Conduct Research4Life commitment until 2025 The new Research4Life website Capacity Development Highlights Advocacy Toolkit MLA Librarians without Borders®/ Elsevier Foundation/Research4Life Grant Research4Life and Library Connect are
Interview with Kimberly Parker, Research4Life/Hinari Programme Manager
Kimberly Parker, Hinari programme manager, answers some questions about the Research4Life Access to Health programme  width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"> The interview was held during the 65th Session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean, hosted by the Government
Call for Research4Life user experiences from the global South
If your institution is located in one of the Research4Life eligible countries and has already joined Research4Life‘s international network, you can access and fully explore resources of interest shared by tens of thousands of leading journals and e-books in the
Research4Life at OpenCon 2018 satellite event
At the next OpenCon satellite event in New York City, Research4Life will give a presentation about its programmes, including how to access information resources using Hinari, AGORA and GOALI. The Conference theme is “Access for all? Equity of access to information,
Two decades on, a research access program continues to thrive
An article on Elsevier Connect highlights the Research4Life mandate extension until 2025 In her years as researcher and senior lecturer in the Department of Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Zimbabwe, Dr. Alice Matimba heard of several cases of diabetes-related blindness, also called