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Promoting Digital Access to Research in Least Developed Countries

1,400 librarians, researchers and students from 10 countries have learnt how to access and search digital scientific and academic information provided by Research4Life partners in the framework of a new activity of the UN’s Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries.

Up to 100.000 resources now available through Research4Life
We’re celebrating, as Research4Life now provides access to up to 100.000 resources! The amount of scholarly and professional content available has grown to a up to 22,500 peer-reviewed journals, up to 80,000 academic books and up to 120 other resources,
Research4Life website now available in French!
Next to Spanish and Portuguese, our site is now available in French, serving even more of our users across the world.
E-resources and referencing training workshops for DAAD scholars in Tanzania
Earlier this year, the Information and Training Outreach Centre for Africa (ITOCA) and the Germany Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) held two e-resources and referencing trainings for selected scholars in Tanzania.
Research4Life workshop focuses on information resources related to land
During the recent State of Land Data & Information in East Africa workshop from 8 to 10 May in Nairobi, Kenya, Research4Life organised a session to present the Research4Life programmes, focusing on information related to legal resources and land.
Research4Life Newsletter May 2019
Dear Research4Life partners and supporters, we’re proud to share with you the many projects we worked on in the past six months, and the successes the partnership achieved. We are excited about important additions to the Research4Life family: Dr. Edda
Research4Life Advocacy Toolkit now available in Spanish and French
We are thrilled to announce that the toolkit is now also available for download in French and Spanish! Visit our Resources page to download the files!