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Promoting Digital Access to Research in Least Developed Countries

1,400 librarians, researchers and students from 10 countries have learnt how to access and search digital scientific and academic information provided by Research4Life partners in the framework of a new activity of the UN’s Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries.

Research4Life General Partners Meeting 2016
The Research4Life Annual General Partners Meeting was held at Cornell University’s Weill Cornell Medical College on  20 and 21 July 2016 in New York City. The meeting brought together more than 30 delegates and observers representing our publishing community, the United Nations agencies, University
A look at AGORA usage in the world
Africa leads in terms of usage, but AGORA has considerable presence in Asia and Latin America. With by far the highest number of registered institutions in the world Africa uses AGORA the most, especially Sub-Saharan Africa, which accounts for the
Research4Life Training workshops: An overview of the past year
A total of 98 Research4Life training workshops were organized in the past year around the globe. Every year, the Capacity Development Team of Research4Life -along with Universities, United Nations agencies and partner organizations- organizes different training workshops around the globe.
AGORA: What’s in a name?
AGORA is about agriculture, but only in the broadest sense “Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture” might appear to have a strongly agricultural slant, but AGORA’s topical reach extends far beyond that. Did you know, for example, that there
Research4Life Partners Newsletter July 2016
Table of Contents Note from the Editor Hinari 15th anniversary and new look Research4Life Annual General Partners Meeting, July 20, New York Our Vision for 2020 and Beyond INASP/Research4Life Advocacy Campaign Update on number of resources available Training Highlights Website
Research4life/INASP Advocacy competition on Elsevier Connect
To highlight the critical role that doctors, researchers, librarians and policymakers play in advocating their leaders to support research in their institutions and countries, Research4Life joined with INASP to launch an advocacy competition. The aim of the contest is to