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Promoting Digital Access to Research in Least Developed Countries

1,400 librarians, researchers and students from 10 countries have learnt how to access and search digital scientific and academic information provided by Research4Life partners in the framework of a new activity of the UN’s Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries.

Research4Life Partners Newsletter November 2016
Table of Contents Note from the Editor R4L/INASP Advocacy Competition Winners Highlights from the General Partners Meeting New Research4Life’s Strategic Plan The 2016 MLA Research4Life grant winners Winners of the Research4Life Draw announced PortSys to work with Research4Life on a
Access to Research for Development and Innovation Webinar
Launched in 2009, ARDI – Access to Research for Development and Innovation – is the youngest of the four Research4Life programmes. Coordinated by the World Intellectual Property Organization and together with its partners in the publishing industry, ARDI provides access
Why Should We Care About Information Access?
The spread of diseases is not limited by geographic boundaries, people everywhere must be able to use the most recent research to better manage diseases.   Held at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, “Information Access in the Developing World. Why Should
New 1,209 journals on AGORA since July 2016!
Massive new input onto Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) platform gives researchers access to 1,209 new journals.  This latest addition represents an enormous boost to the online collection, with over six thousand journals and twenty two thousand
AGORA adds SHARE to its databases: Get access to 125 additional data providers!
AGORA has added SHARE to its database. SHARE is a collection of open-access data and enriches AGORA with data from 125 additional data providers. AGORA provides a collection of 20 databases that are listed on the AGORA search portal. AGORA
Research4Life Chooses PortSys’ Total Access Control to Ensure Critical Access and Authentication
PortSys announces adoption of its Total Access Control product by the Research4Life partnership to replace end-of-life Microsoft authentication system. Marlborough, Mass. October 4, 2016 – Research4Life and PortSys today announced the adoption of Total Access Control (TAC) to provide secure