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Promoting Digital Access to Research in Least Developed Countries

1,400 librarians, researchers and students from 10 countries have learnt how to access and search digital scientific and academic information provided by Research4Life partners in the framework of a new activity of the UN’s Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries.

Winners of Research4Life prize drawing announced
King Hussein Cancer Center is the lucky winner of the First Prize  Research4Life provides access to tens of thousands of online books and journals daily, but it is a rare occasion when it can offer a physical printed publication to
2016 MLA Hinari/Research4Life Grant Recipients
The Medical Library Association (MLA) and the Elsevier Foundation have announced the recipients of the 2016 MLA HINARI/Research4Life Grants. Funded by the Elsevier Foundation, these grants will support HINARI/R4L training activities that promote the use of the programs’ scientific research resources in emerging/low income countries.
New Hinari Master Trainer Online Course
We are pleased to announce the new Hinari Master Trainer course. On the next October 1st, a new 4-week free online Hinari Master Trainer Course will start thanks to the collaboration with our partners Librarians without Borders (Medical Library Association) and
Research4Life is now part of Oxfam's Digital Searching and Access Guideline
In November 2012, Oxfam  -one of the biggest international organizations working to fight poverty-, launched a series of guidelines to help development practitioners conduct high-quality research. The “how-to” guidelines are available in the Oxfam Policy and Practice website, which offers free access
Research4Life is now part of Oxfam’s Digital Searching and Access Guideline
In November 2012, Oxfam  -one of the biggest international organizations working to fight poverty-, launched a series of guidelines to help development practitioners conduct high-quality research. The “how-to” guidelines are available in the Oxfam Policy and Practice website, which offers free access
Publisher of the Month: Taylor & Francis
Our highlighted publisher this month is Taylor & Francis Group.   Taylor & Francis Group is a founding partner of Research4Life and a founding member of Publishers for Development, a world-leading publisher of scholarly journals, books, e-books and reference works. Their