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Promoting Digital Access to Research in Least Developed Countries

1,400 librarians, researchers and students from 10 countries have learnt how to access and search digital scientific and academic information provided by Research4Life partners in the framework of a new activity of the UN’s Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries.

Research4Life Newsletter May 2014
Table of Contents Note from the Editor “Unsung Heroes: Stories from the Library” “Research4Life Partner Meeting July 31st 2014 Washington DC” New AGORA Programme Manager 10th Anniversary of AGORA Mendeley joins Research4Life Global Online Access to Law (GOAL) Assessing the
Unsung Heroes: Stories from the library
New Publication from Research4Life Partners Research4Life’s global testimonies from librarians in developing countries highlight the important role they have in building institutional capacities and aiding in vital research From information literacy training to building infrastructure and outreach, librarians are critical to building
Research4Life's HINARI featured at World Health Organization
WHO recently featured HINARI, with special interviews with Research4Life user and Director-General of Sudan’s Central Medical Supplies Public Corporation, Gamal Khalafalla Mohamed Ali, who heads the national agency responsible for getting medical supplies to all public health institutions. For the
Research4Life’s HINARI featured at World Health Organization
WHO recently featured HINARI, with special interviews with Research4Life user and Director-General of Sudan’s Central Medical Supplies Public Corporation, Gamal Khalafalla Mohamed Ali, who heads the national agency responsible for getting medical supplies to all public health institutions. For the
Africa doubles research output over past decade, moves towards a knowledge-based economy – Research Trends
Ylann Schemm looks at the factors contributing to a promising trend of African research output. The author cites many :  increased funding, significant policy changes within countries, improved research infrastructure, both human and physical and others – but she notes
Watch the FAO webcast on the 10th Anniversary of AGORA from Rome, Italy – FAO Director General José Graziano da Silva
AGORA, a programme that brings key scientific literature on food, agriculture and related fields to students, researchers and scientists, has become a crucial tool for some of the world’s poorest countries. Access to information is key to develop agriculture and