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Promoting Digital Access to Research in Least Developed Countries

1,400 librarians, researchers and students from 10 countries have learnt how to access and search digital scientific and academic information provided by Research4Life partners in the framework of a new activity of the UN’s Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries.

Research4Life featured in the WHO World Health Report 2013
The World health report: research for universal health coverage focuses on the importance of research in advancing progress towards universal health coverage. In addition, it identifies the benefits of increased investment in health research by low- and middle-income countries using
Research4Life Newsletter July 2013
Table of Contents Note from the Editor Competition Update and Winner: Librarians Share Impact Experiences from Research4Life Research4Life Reaches Milestone of 35,000 Scholarly Resources Celebrating AGORA’s 10th Anniversary in Rome at our Partner Meeting Announcing the new Research4Life Advisory Council
‘Making a Difference’: Where Are They Now? – Geoffrey Salanje
Since registering for Research4Life in 2004, staff and students at Bunda College of Agriculture have benefited from free access to high-quality scientific information in support of more than 20 academic programs.
Research4Life Announces Winner of “Unsung Heroes” Library Impact Competition
Onan Mulumba, of Makerere University, is awarded First Prize in the global case study competition to raise awareness about the essential role of librarians powering research in developing countries.   London, United Kingdom 1 July 2013 – The Research4Life partnership
Raising Burkina Faso research to international standards (Wiley Exchanges)
Research4Life’s Charlotte Masiello-Riome introduces Wiley Exchanges readers to AGORA, and how the programme showed agronomist Sami Hyacinthe Kambire that his research was not as original as he had thought – but this realization was exactly what he needed to lift his
Research4Life Reaches Milestone of 35,000 Free and Low Cost Peer Reviewed Resources for Developing World
Publisher partnership continues to add new journals, books and databases for researchers and doctors through HINARI, AGORA, OARE, and ARDI programmes London, United Kingdom – London,  5th June 2013 – The Research4Life partners announced today that the total number of