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Promoting Digital Access to Research in Least Developed Countries

1,400 librarians, researchers and students from 10 countries have learnt how to access and search digital scientific and academic information provided by Research4Life partners in the framework of a new activity of the UN’s Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries.

Research4Life and its impact on Agronomist’s work in Burkina Faso
Dr Sami Hyacinthe Kambire, a researcher from Burkina Faso, shares how Research4Life as helped him to develop better and more informed scientific writing skills, produce focused research that he can discuss with top researchers worldwide, compete more effectively for research
For Release: March 6th 2013 Contact:       Charlotte Masiello-Riome,  Research4Life Communications [email protected]  Follow R4L on Twitter at  @R4LPartnership Global case study competition focuses on how vital collaboration between Research4Life and librarians powers effective research in developing countries. London, United Kingdom
Research4Life helps charity improve lives of HIV-infected orphans- Zambia
frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"> In 2003, a woman with AIDS, seven months pregnant and living in a bus terminal in the Zambian capital of Lusaka, was found by nuns and brought to a shelter. After delivering the baby, physician Tim Meade
Over 12,000 Wiley Online Books Made Available in Developing Countries Via Research4Life
Media Contact: Ben Norman (UK) +44 (0) 1243 770 375 Amy Molnar (US) +1 201-748-8844 [email protected]   Over 12,000 Wiley Online Books Made Available in Developing Countries Via Research4Life Hoboken, NJ, February 6, 2013, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., today
Elsevier Connect: Measuring the impact of research access in the developing world
How Research4Life is being used to improve health care and economic development by Richard Gedye. Published 7 January 2013 We all know that in many parts of the developing world, there are shortages of food, clean water, adequate housing, health
Interview with Gracian Chimwaza, Executive Director ITOCA, South Africa and Research4Life Training Coordinator
Gracian Chimwaza, is the founding director for ITOCA-Information Training & Outreach Centre for Africa He holds a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degree from Thames Valley University, UK (2001), an electrical engineering diploma and a graduate diploma from Institute of