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Promoting Digital Access to Research in Least Developed Countries

1,400 librarians, researchers and students from 10 countries have learnt how to access and search digital scientific and academic information provided by Research4Life partners in the framework of a new activity of the UN’s Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries. -Rwanda: Scholars Train in Scientific Research
By Jean d’Amour Mbonyinshuti, 5 December 2012 in Over thirty research trainers from higher institutions of learning and research institutions are undergoing a three day training on effective methodologies to access research material. The training being conducted by Kigali
Research4Life Newsletter November 2012
Table of Contents Note from the Editor Note from the New Chair of Executive Council Core offer revised eligibility criteria Partners commit to 2020 Transitional Path Offer – A new opt-in for publisher partners More Research4Life case studies come to
Lenny Rhine – A leading example in Training the Trainers
Since June 2006, Lenny has been holding training workshops all over the world for the Research4Life programmes with financial support from various organizations, including WHO, ITOCA and in collaboration with the Librarians Without Borders®/Medical Library Association (LWB/MLA). Lenny has held
Lenny Rhine – A leading example in Training the Trainers
Since June 2006, Lenny has been holding training workshops all over the world for the Research4Life programmes with financial support from various organizations, including WHO, ITOCA and in collaboration with the Librarians Without Borders®/Medical Library Association (LWB/MLA). Lenny has held
18,000 resources available to the developing world via the HINARI, AGORA, OARE, and ARDI programmes For Release: 14th  November 2012 For Information, contact: Charlotte Masiello-Riome, Research4Life Communications Coordinator, [email protected] London, United Kingdom – London, November 14th, 2012 – The Research4Life
How Research4Life helped a physiotherapist find better ways to treat his patients
Physiotherapist Mulugeta Bayisa’s experience with Research4Life’s Hinari programme has helped him find better ways to treat his patients and teach his students. More than that, though, it has changed the way he thinks. Watch this video to find out more. Mulugeta