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Promoting Digital Access to Research in Least Developed Countries

1,400 librarians, researchers and students from 10 countries have learnt how to access and search digital scientific and academic information provided by Research4Life partners in the framework of a new activity of the UN’s Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries.

Stories From the Field: How Access to Scientific Literature is Improving the Livelihoods of Communities Around the World
Click here to download the Research4Life Making a Difference Booklet (Low Resolution) To celebrate Research4Life’s 10th anniversary in 2011, we launched a user experience competition. We asked users to share with us how HINARI, AGORA or OARE has improved their
Research4Life Partner Newsletter December 2011
Editor’s Welcome At the 10th Anniversary Research4Life partners’ meeting held in July at the British Medical Association, we added our 4th official programme, ARDI. More than ever, we have a great deal of news to share with our partners. Below
WIPO's ARDI Programme Joins Research4Life
For Release: 13 October 2011 For Information, contact: Andrew Czajkowski, Innovation and Technology Support Section World Intellectual Property Organization (contact: [email protected]) Geneva, Switzerland – The Research4Life partnership, which enables free or low cost online access in the developing world to
WIPO’s ARDI Programme Joins Research4Life
For Release: 13 October 2011 For Information, contact: Andrew Czajkowski, Innovation and Technology Support Section World Intellectual Property Organization (contact: [email protected]) Geneva, Switzerland – The Research4Life partnership, which enables free or low cost online access in the developing world to
On the front lines of research
Uganda’s largest institution of higher learning boosts usage of evidence-based information through Research4Life. As a young student, Caroline Kobusingye was planning a career in counseling. “My passion is to help people and I thought that was the best way to
Access to Hinari is critical at CURE Ethiopia Children’s Hospital
Without Research4Life’s HINARI programme, a young cancer sufferer at CURE Ethiopia Children’s Hospital would have lost one of her legs. In July 2010, a 22-year-old university student arrived at the CURE Ethiopia Children’s Hospital with a painful, swollen leg. She