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Promoting Digital Access to Research in Least Developed Countries

1,400 librarians, researchers and students from 10 countries have learnt how to access and search digital scientific and academic information provided by Research4Life partners in the framework of a new activity of the UN’s Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries.

Image of R4L users in UDOM
Country Connectors make strides in raising awareness of Research4Life resources
Research4Life Country Connectors enable customized approaches to drive awareness and usage of Research4Life around the world.
User Drop-Off Study: Insights to enhance resource usage
Research4Life conducts a research to understand why some Research4Life institutions have stopped using the resources and how others are able to sustain usage.
A photo of Anu Rai, the author of this blog post.
My research journey: An experience from the Global South
How the Research4Life APC fee waiver and discount scheme is helping to level the playing field for researchers in the Global South.
Register now for the upcoming Introduction to Systematic Reviews Webinar
Research4Life invites you to join an upcoming webinar which will take you through what a Systematic Review consists of.
“Information is power. With access to relevant information, people can make a difference in their communities and beyond, transforming the lives of millions.”
Fundraising is tied into the strategic direction of Research4Life, helping achieve its mission to empowering the researchers and policymakers around the world.
Research4Life’s Publishing and Research Communication Short Course
As a follow up to the 2022 Research4Life Publishing and Research Communications (PRC) webinar series, R4L will host two short courses in 2023 to focus on the topics expressed by the series’ participants as their top concerns.