Tag: SDG10

New webinar on INASP services for researchers from the Global South
Join us on 11 November 2020 at 10 am CET for a second webinar in which you will learn how INASP supports researchers in low- and middle-income countries.
Call for applications 2018 MLA Librarians without Borders®/ Elsevier Foundation/ Research4Life Grants
The Medical Library Association (MLA) has announced the Hinari/Research4Life (R4L) Grants for 2018. Funded by the Elsevier Foundation, up to five awards, will support Hinari/R4L training activities that promote the use of the programs’ scientific research resources in emerging/low income
How information access is changing the biggest academic library in Myanmar
Research4Life helps the Universities' Central Library n Yangon to transform a traditional library into an e-library.
Research4Life Training workshops: An overview of the past year
A total of 98 Research4Life training workshops were organized in the past year around the globe. Every year, the Capacity Development Team of Research4Life -along with Universities, United Nations agencies and partner organizations- organizes different training workshops around the globe.
A total of 69,000 online resources now available in Research4Life
The total online resources available in Research4Life is going up We are pleased to announce a new update in the number of online resources available through the Research4Life programes. In the last 18 months, the total count of material has risen
Research4Life Training: An Overview of the Past Year
To make the best use of the Research4Life resources, training is one of the key and most important activities that our partners and programmes are committed to offer to our users. During the year thousands of librarians and researchers make use
JoMI joins Research4Life to bring high-quality surgical teaching videos to over 100 countries
The Journal of Medical Insight (JoMI) announced a partnership with Research4Life that will make the journal’s video articles accessible in over 100 developing countries. Research4Life will provide access to the journal through the Hinari program. This partnership will provide 5,700
How Research4Life helped a physiotherapist find better ways to treat his patients
Physiotherapist Mulugeta Bayisa’s experience with Research4Life’s Hinari programme has helped him find better ways to treat his patients and teach his students. More than that, though, it has changed the way he thinks. Watch this video to find out more. Mulugeta
A researcher in Burkina Faso finds what he needed to lift his work to international standards
Until September 2008, Sami Hyacinthe Kambire, an agronomist in Burkina Faso’s Institute for Environment and Agricultural Research (INERA by its French acronym), was a frustrated researcher. Although part of the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation, INERA, like most research
Advancing the standard of medical research means saving more lives for this hospital in Nepal
In his role as a paediatrician at Kathmandu’s Shree Birendra Hospital, Arun Neopane is a voracious consumer of journal papers. This passion led to his appointment in 2003 as the hospital’s Officer in Charge and editor of the Journal of
Leading the way with Hinari
Changing behaviours in learning, research, teaching and patient care transforms output and treatment. When the World Health Organization held its first HINARI training programmes in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, in 2002, librarian Grace Ada Ajuwon was there. “I was among
Embracing Research4Life
Mastering e-resources, Fredrick Otike promotes Research4Life as an expert information specialist. As a young student growing up in a remote village in southwest Kenya, Fredrick’s secondary school lacked electricity and running water, not to mention a library and science laboratory.