Tag: SDG4 Quality Education

Two men on a field looking at mobile phone
Using digital innovation in African higher education
This article explores digital innovation in African higher education, showcasing the inspiring efforts of educators overcoming connectivity challenges to make knowledge accessible. Dr. Lamptey's impactful work is a key focus.
Fostering communities and knowledge access at Moi University
Moi University College of Health Sciences is a leading institution in Kenya for training health care professionals. The College is also a Research4Life Country Connector host, dedicated to enhancing capacity of information use, building communities of evidence users and establishing local networks and partnerships.
Research4Life Publishing and Research Communications Short Course Two
PRCSC2 addresses one of the top concerns of the 2022 R4L PRC Webinar Series participants, by providing a deeper dive into the process of writing successful grant proposals. Taking place over 6 weeks between the beginning of October to mid November, 2023, this course will be available freely to the students, early career researchers and users in the scientific fields from the Research4Life eligible countries.
New PubMed Refresher webinar – Updates for Research4Life users
PubMed is a free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature with the aim of improving health–both globally and personally.
Image of R4L users in UDOM
Country Connectors make strides in raising awareness of Research4Life resources
Research4Life Country Connectors enable customized approaches to drive awareness and usage of Research4Life around the world.
Register now for the upcoming Introduction to Systematic Reviews Webinar
Research4Life invites you to join an upcoming webinar which will take you through what a Systematic Review consists of.
Research4Life’s Publishing and Research Communication Short Course
As a follow up to the 2022 Research4Life Publishing and Research Communications (PRC) webinar series, R4L will host two short courses in 2023 to focus on the topics expressed by the series’ participants as their top concerns.
Register now for the Jus Mundi: Legal Research tools webinar
Jus Mundi is the world’s most comprehensive public-facing database for international law and arbitration, with a mission to spread the global Rule of Law to anyone on the planet.
New webinar on how to include your graduate research in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global’s international database
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global wants to extend an invitation for you to attend an upcoming webinar where you will discover how Research4Life institutions can partner with ProQuest to disseminate their graduate research – at no cost – via the PQDT Global collection and the Web of Science index.
“Research4Life grants people a chance to live again”
New Research4Life User Representative from Botswana talks librarianship and support for healthcare research.
Register now for the 8th Research4Life MOOC
Registrations for the Research4Life Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) 8th edition are open. This free five-week course will run from 3 April to 7 May 2023. Register before 12 March 2023 to reserve your spot!
Research4Life reaches 200,000 resources!
Up to 200,000 resources are now available for Research4Life users in 125+ countries and territories.